Versatility List of Title Progressions (4)


___ 1/2* for participating in a Scottish Parade

___ 1/2* for participating in any other Parade

___ 1/2* for participating in a Meet the Breeds, Breed Showcase, Breed Introduction event

___ 1/2* for participating in a TV, newspaper, magazine, feature, blog or other media

___ 1/2* for participating in an event that promotes the DDT breed to general public, other than categories above. Each participation is eligible for earning credit, there is no limit to how much DDT Preservation a dog can do.


A copy of AKC/CKC/Summary of title progression(s), title certificate(s), registration certificate(s), etc. is required to verify titles/accomplishments claimed. A statement, photograph, article, or any other proof of participation in a DDT Bred Preservation event is required to verify participation.

Questions: Email Mary Downs at