Find Dandie Preservation Opportunities
As a Dandie owner, you know how important it is to have Dandies available for the public to meet. They can be introduced through various media opportunites such as Meet the Breeds, Breed Showcases, Scottish Parades, and other regional and local events that will help us promote our Dandies.
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has been on the endangered breed list for over over 10 years. It is up to us, as owners, to share our Dandies with the public and help to preserve this wonderful breed.
Find a way to volunteer and participate in events in your area as well as help the Dandie Club increase awareness through specific opportunities posted on our website or listed in our M&P.
Public awareness is critical to the Dandie Dinmont Terrier survival.
Contact Diane Hanowitz, 216-219-4380, to receive handouts about our Dandies for your event. We also provide setup materials such as tablecloths, signage, breeder referral cards and even crowns to handout to children.