You can literally feel the anticipation in the air as the dogs line up and wait for a Flyball relay race to begin. As soon as the gun fires, each dog dashes over a line of low hurdles to reach a box. Once there, they use their paws to push a spring-loaded pad and release a tennis ball into the air that they catch and bring back to their handlers. Once back to the starting line, the next dog takes his turn.
In partnership with the North American Flyball Association (NAFA), AKC recognizes four titles: Flyball Dog Champion (FDCH), Flyball Master (FM), ONYX and Flyball Grand Champion (FGDCH).
You can register with the North American Flyball Association to get a listing number. You can submit a form through the AKC to receive your title recognitions.
Will your Dandie do anything for his favorite toy? Have you watched him fearlessly dive into water – say, in a lake or pool? If so, he might love participating in one of the fastest growing sports, Diving Dogs! Almost any dog can do it, as long as he loves water, knows how to swim, and has a natural passion for retrieving.
Diving Dogs is a fun, exciting but easy to do sport with simple rules: You throw your dog’s favorite toy into a pool while he waits on a dock about 40 feet long. On your command, he runs along the dock, flings himself off the end of it, lands in the water and grabs his toy. The goal? To have the longest jump possible, which could be as short as two feet for some breeds or beginners.
No matter how far your dog jumps, you’re guaranteed to have a blast – and you may get a little wet! Diving Dogs is a great activity to share with your best friend! This may be the exception for Dandies. Some Dandies will jump right in after a toy is thrown and others will look at you with that ” no way, not me” expression. Titles earned through North America Diving Dogs (NADD) will be recognized by The American Kennel Club. To apply, simply complete the Title Application. NADD Rules
Disc Dog is an exciting, fast-paced, fun sport that all dogs and people can enjoy. UpDog has taken the basic game of fetch with a flying disc and expanded it into a whole bunch of fun games! Dogs of any breed, type, size or shape can play and be successful. If your dog can fetch, your dog can play UpDog! Dogs get points in every game and cumulative points earn UpDog Achievements (called “UPs”). Once you have earned a medal UP in at least 3 games you can apply for the AKC Disc Dog titles using the Title Application. For more information, see Title Structure below.
For more information about UpDog and getting involved in your local area so your dog can be recognized, please visit UpDog Challenge. There you can learn more about events in your area, UpDog games, and more!
In order for dogs to receive a title, owners must have a registered dog in the AKC records so the titling information can be recorded.
Any 3 UPs of a specific medal (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Unobtanium) will allow your dog to apply for the AKC Disc Dog title of that medal. So, once your dog earns the Bronze UP in 3 games, they are eligible to apply for the AKC Disc Dog Bronze title!