Learn the Basics
The official term for dog shows is conformation — as in, the act of conforming or producing conformity. Dogs are not being compared to each other; they’re being measured by how closely they conform to the standard of their breed, in your case Dandie Dinmont Terriers. A booklet representing the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Standard if available from the National Dandie Dinmont Club. Learning the Dandie Standard will allow you to understand how it is judged. The closer your dog’s appearance is to the breed’s standard, the better that your Dandie’s ability will be to produce puppies that meet the breed standard. It’s also the reason why mixed breeds and spayed or neutered purebreds are ineligible to compete in conformation.
To compete in an AKC Conformation show, your dog must be:
- Six months or older on the day of the show
- Recognized breed by the AKC
- Registered with the AKC
- NOT spayed or neutered
- No disqualifying faults, as stated by their breed’s parent organization
- In sound health and up-to-date on vaccinations.
Get Started
Each dog is exhibited (“handled”) by its owner, breeder or hired professional (“handler”). Most dogs compete for points toward their AKC championships. It takes 15 points to become an AKC “Champion of Record.” The maximum number of points awarded at an event is five. Males and females compete separately within their respective breeds.
Make sure to review the AKC Code of Sportsmanship to learn more about the core values of participants in AKC Sports and Events.
Attend a Show in Person
It is important for you to get familiar with what actually happens at a conformation event. Go to a show, or several, and familiarize yourself with what happens in the show ring, and to experience the energy and camaraderie between the spectators in the stands and the competitors (also called “exhibitors”). It’ll also give you an idea of whether you want to show your dog yourself, or hire a professional (“handler”).
Join an AKC Club Near You
We encourage newcomers to get involved with their local AKC Club or the National Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America.They offer invaluable resources and you’ll meet new people with Dandies who are more than willing to share their knowledge and lend a hand.
Prep Your Dandie – and Yourself
A conformation class will prepare you and your dog for your first experience – and for your best chances at winning. Classes are often conveniently held locally and focus on how to handle your dog in the show ring. Contact a local AKC Club to ask about training opportunities.
In addition, your Dandie should know basic behavior like how to walk on a leash on your left side and how to stack. He should also be very comfortable around other dogs. Finally, before your first show, your pet should be well-groomed— especially Dandie Dinmonts that are known for their unique look. Grooming Charts and Vidoes are available through the Dandie Dinmont Terrier store.
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America also includes breed conformation in their Versatility program, recognizing both Champion and Grand Champion titles.