Barn Hunt

Elfwish Jesse James helping set up Barn Hunt

The sport of Barn Hunt is for all dogs, both mixed and purebred.  If your Dandie loves to chase squirrels and dig for moles, then they would love the sport of Barn Hunt. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier was originally bred to rid farms of destructive vermin and the hunting and teamwork skills required to do so are the foundation of the sport of Barn Hunt. Dandies and their handlers work as a team to locate and mark rats (which are always safely held in aerated tubes) hidden in a maze of straw or hay bales.

Some breeds, such as the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, were specifically bred to fill this role.  Most Dandies can fit through an 18″ wide by bale-height tall tunnel.  Barn Hunt tests the nose, speed, agility and surefootedness of dogs that have a history of above-ground vermin hunting.

Barn Hunt events include a pass/fail instinct class for owners who want to familiarize their dog with the test. Courses are made increasingly difficult by adding more obstacles, additional diversions and more rats to find. There are several types of Barn Hunt titles your dog can earn:

  • Novice Barn Hunt (RATN),
  • Open Barn Hunt (RATO),

Elfwish Jesse James practicing his Barn Hunt techniques

  • Senior Barn Hunt (RATS),
  • Master Barn Hunt (RATM),
  • Barn Hunt Champion (RATCh)

The Barn Hunt Association is an independent organization where titles earned can be recognized by The American Kennel Club. Titles earned in Novice and above will be recognized by The American Kennel Club.

In order for dogs to receive a title, owners must have have an AKC registered dog for recording titling information.