The most commonly recommended exercise to improve fitness is walking. Walking is considered a safe activity that improves muscular strength, circulation, memory, weight loss, increases energy, helps with sleep, and reduces stress. The American Heart Association recommends walking a minimum of 150 minutes per week. Participation in the AKC FIT DOG program will bring health benefits to both you and your Dandie.

If you walk with your Dandie on a regular basis,  you can participate in AKC FIT DOG. If you are already taking your Dandie on regular walks, you may count those walks towards your title.

AKC FIT DOG titles were designed to provide a structured, individualized fitness plan that you and your dog can do together.

There are 3 levels of AKC fitness titles—Bronze (FITB), Silver (FITS), and Gold (FITG). Each title requires a specific number of activity points to be completed, which varies based on title level.

  • Bronze – 5 Points
  • Silver – 10 Points
  • Gold – 20 Points

Within each level, there are 6 categories of activities to choose from to earn your points. Detail for each category appears in the Participant Guide.

AKC Fitness Title Categories:

  1. AKC FIT DOG Course
  2. Runs (community runs such as a Turkey Trot, Spring Scurry, etc.)
  3. Walks and hikes (Independent or Group)
  4. Unique to You and Your Dog (e.g., swimming, Parkour)
  5. AKC title that is fitness related (e.g., FAST CAT, agility)
  6. AKC Parent Club Performance Titles (e.g., pack dog, sledding)

For each of the 3 levels of titles, a minimum number of points must be earned in at least 2 categories for the title to be awarded.
AKC FIT DOG titles are noncompetitive, and dog owners may choose different activities to earn titles.

How to Get Started:

  1. Begin by reviewing the AKC FIT DOG Checklists on the AKC website. Each variation of checklists title requires various levels of commitment, so it is important to evaluate which level is best suited for you and your Dandie’s activity level.
  2. Review the AKC participant guide to understand the program rules.
  3. Decide which activities you and your Dandie would like to complete to earn your title.

Get Your AKC FIT DOG titles!